ZKSAFE Contract Description
Required Node.js v16, install snarkjs
Install ethers, you need to know how to use ethers, all the code examples bellow assumed you know it:
Note:The test environment is hardhat. ethers is used slightly differently than the formal environment. The following code is based on the test environment
Proof used in contract interface is the ZKSAFE Password based on ZK-SNARK, please refer to ZKSAFE Password build
SafeboxFactory Contract
The factory contract in ZKSAFE to manage the Safebox contracts
createSafebox() Activate Safebox
First, you need to call createSafebox(), which will deploy your own Safebox contract, called activation
One wallet can only activate one Safebox. If you have already activated it, an error will be reported if you activate it again. Unless you transferred your Safebox ownership, then you can activate another one
The contract address of the Safebox is determined by your address and your activating times. Your Safebox address is the same regardless of which blockchain and can be imported. If you transfer your safebox ownership, the Safebox address will be different when you reactivate it
getSafeboxAddr() derive the Safebox address
With or without activation, you can derive the Safebox address for a particular wallet
The format of the Safebox address is the same as that of the wallet address. You can directly transfer the ERC20 or ERC721 assets into Safebox address. regardless of whether it is activated or not, and withdraw them after activated
Note: Only native tokens (ETH), ERC20 (Token), and ERC721 (NFT) can be transferred. Other types of assets (such as ERC1155) are not supported
However, it’s suggested to activate the Safebox before transferring your assets in
userToSafebox[] check the activated safebox address
Check the activated safebox address of a wallet
if it’s inactivated, return 0x00
changeSafeboxOwner() transfer Safebox's ownership
only for Safebox contract call, and it can’t be transferred if the new owner already have one
Safebox Contract - Normal Operation
Every user can deploy an exclusive Safebox contract for himself/herself using SafeboxFactory
owner() check the owner of the Safebox
Only owner can call the Safebox contract except the ownership is obtained by Social Recovery
transferOwnership() transfer Safebox
Password required, only owner can call
After the transfer, the password will also be reset, which means that the new owner owns the safebox and all the assets in it
withdrawETH() withdraw native token
Password required, only owner can call
Withdrawal amount is datahash when generating proof
withdrawERC20() 提取ERC20代币
Password required, only owner can call
Keccak256 hash for Token address and amount is datahash when generating proof
withdrawERC721() 提取ERC721标准NFT
Password required, only owner can call
keccak256 hash for NFT address and tokenId is datahash when generating proof
Safebox Contract - Social Recovery
It’s suggested to set guardian in advance in case you need it under the following
Possible situation:
Forget private key
Forget ZASAFE password
ZKSAFE password invalid (0 chance under 200,000 pressure testing)
Private key been hacked (hacker control the owner and transfer all gas out, so owner has no gas to do anything but the guardians)
setSocialRecover() set guardians
Password required, only owner can call
Keccak256 hash for all guardians address and valid guardians number is datahash when generating proof
If you set 5 guardians, all the 5 address will be needed in _guardians, valid gurdians number _needGuardiansNum can be 1-5, means _needGuardiansNum of 5 can multi-signing to realize social recovery. Usually multi-signing is set as 2 of 3, which means 2 of the 3 gurdians can do the social recovery
getSocialRecover() check gurdians
Return 3 fields:
guardians: the preset guardians’ addresses
needGuardiansNum: preset valid guardian number
doneGuardians: guardian initiated multi-signing, social recovery will be done when reach the needGuardiansNum
transferOwnership2() transfer Safebox by gurdians
Only guardians can call
The Guardians need to specify an address to transfer, it can be any address, but need to be consistent. If not, the whole process will go over again until it’s consistent
After the Safebox is transferred, the guardian remains in effect
Last updated